
The Intuitive Prime Minister Lesson 02



So, I guess I derailed my very first Prime Minister Lesson series by merely pointing out the guy next to him. This time, we will take a closer look at what this series is meant for, the prime minister himself.







[lang_en]Now, what I love about this prime minister is his unapologetic attitude. He was born in a ridiculously rich family that had its roots in the Aso clan.  In the one month after becoming prime minister, he partied in high-class luxury bars and restaurants.  He made few explanations toward the press, such as "Its my money and I can afford it", and "Hotels are cheap, goddammit."  He later said on an interview, "Nobody knows the sheer suffering of being born into a ridiculously rich family."




sad with money


Well, with Japanese bureaucrats, I think most politicians probably think the same way.  They were all mostly people who were born in rich bureaucratic families anyways. Although Aso might have been far from the proletariat, he was the most relatable in the human aspect.  He became the prime minister, so he partyed hard. When the media came to ruin the party, he got pissed.  He's probably  honest far as what he thinks as"suffering for extremely rich families".  Its not usually so simple that rich people have happiness, and they come under so much scrutiny anyways.

This is all fun and games, but he's a politician, and most importantly a head figure of a nation. Hhow was he as a politician?

Good question! I'll write about that next time.







The Intuitive Prime Minister Lesson 01


ASO_lessonENAlthough it didn't last so long, I really liked the former Japanese prime minister Aso.  His expressions were so easy to read, and made the cold, opaque bureaucracy seem to fun and straightforward in a strangely heartwarming way.






[lang_en]Let's start on election day.[/lang_en][lang_ja]当選の日から始めよう。[/lang_ja]


Look at his simplistic way of celebrating! It looks more like some local guy happy over his baseball team winning, not like the leader of the world's second largest economy(at the time of this writing). The only smile in this moment of photograph belongs to the prime minister himself. Notice the rest of the people are all serious, especially the shitlessly worried guy next to him.





This Guy


This face.







What Space Sounds Like


[lang_en]What Space Sounds Like[/lang_en][lang_ja]宇宙の音[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]I've come across a recording of radiowaves from Jupiter, which actually sounds like the ambient background to Kubrick's Space Oddysey 2001.  Its uber-creepy.[/lang_en][lang_ja]インターネットで「木星の音」を見つけた。不思議にもキューブリック監督の2001年宇宙の旅に出てくるバックグランドの音に似てる。なんだか気味が悪い。[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]See? creepy as fuck. Its pretty damn amazing Kubrick was able to capture this creepy atmosphere of unknown space in his film back in the day... I wonder why humans instinctively feel creeped out by this sound? It's not like our ancestors has experienced it before...or have they?

I never want to go to space, why the hell would I have to go there anyway?[/lang_en]

[lang_ja]ほらね?気味悪いだろ〜 これをキューブリックが60年代に映画に使っていたてのは、すごいよね。なんか宇宙の未知の気持ち悪さがよく出てる。人間はこの音(実際は音じゃなくて波だけど)を聞いて、直感的に気味悪くなるのはなぜなんだろうね。先祖の経験とかがある訳でもなさそうだけど…



Interface of Web Comics


[lang_en]Interface of Web Comics[/lang_en] [lang_ja]ウエブ上の4コママンガ[/lang_ja]


Strip Comics doesn't really have an interface problem, its infact a really great interface. But the one potential problem has been overcome by the use of the internet in strip comics.

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]




Traditional Comic Strips

So here is the comic strips, as seen on newspapers.  As with the english language, it reads from left to right.

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]






So let's simply break down how we experience these four sequence of images.

The Setup:

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]






This is how the story begins.  We can tell from the helmet and the football that Snoopy is throwing a football

The Development:

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]






We see woodstock, and we can infer that he is trying to catch the said football.

The Plot Twist:

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]






The aforementioned ball crushes woodstock.


[/lang_en] [lang_ja]






A dog crushing a tiny bird into the ground with a football= funny!

...and so, the followup to the twist wraps up the story. It's a great interface, because even though the reader knows something is going to happen, this formula works great in comedy.  A simple, strong interface.  If anything can be criticized, is that upon looking at the comic strip, we can infer and predict a certain rhythm(its hard to control where our eyes tend to drift intuitively, although for strip comics I've never really had a spoiler problem).

In the case of web comic strip

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]







did that need any explanation? the nifty thing about web comic is the interaction.  We intuitively use the mouse to scroll down, as with any other page, because we are curious what happens next.  This level of control by the user is pretty important in presenting humor material, to "turn the page" in order to find out what happens next.

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]




Sidenote: In case of Japanese Comics, it is read vertically like the web comic, due to traditional Japanese writing being vertically oriented.  However, the point is still the same in that the interactive scroll is the main topic in this article.





Studio Omochi


Studio Omochi


My buddy Tomo started his homepage, so I'm adding a link here.  I met him when he came to SCI-Arc as an exchange student.  Since then, he has studied woodcraft at Helskinki, and has built quite a few things over the past. Please check out his website and his works!

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]



Uniqlo-style Payment


[lang_en]Uniqlo-style Payment[/lang_en][lang_ja]ユニクロ式お年玉[/lang_ja]


I like the branding of instant noodles by Japan Air Lines.  Its named as a pun, "Udon de Sky", which sounds like “is it a udon?” in japanese.  My master taught me that you can get them for free if you tell them you are hungry any time during the flight.

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]

俺、あの日本航空のインスタントうどんの名前が結構好きなんだよね。「うどんですかい」Udon de Skyって駄洒落として結構成り立ってる。最初は師匠にそんな物があるって教わったんだけど。


JAL Noodles[lang_en] Definitely the next logical step is a instant bowl called “what is it?”(in Japanese, would be "nandesky?") it might be udon, it might be tangerines, it might be something completely useless like a action figure.  You can even put stickers inside that says “ you won!” but in fact the item you get is that sticker itself and you have in fact worn nothing.

Speaking of winning, I went to UNIQLO, and they had this thing called the new year lottery, and you can win 10,000 yen (roughly $100)on-the-spot after the purchase.  Its one of those system where you get a ticket for every certain amount of purchase and you peel the sticker off to reveal if you’ve won or not.  Although everyone knows nobody is going to win anything, it still pisses me off when I get the “sorry! try again!” ticket three times.  Even when I got great things for pretty good prices, I felt ripped off somehow after the lottery thing.  Maybe I should include use the same system to pay employees, in which they get their paychecks and tickets to potentially "win money on the spot." Of course, none of the tickets are winning stubs, so they get paid nonetheless, but end up feeling like shit.


[lang_ja] だから、もちろん作りたいのは「なんですかい」だよね。カレーのナンじゃなくて、中には何が入ってるか解らないミステリーインスタント。うどんかもしれないし、みかんかもしれない。また全然関係ないウルトラマンフィギュアとかだったりして。そんなんだったらうれしいよね。「当たり!」って書いた札が入ってたりするけど、その札がオマケな訳で別に何も当たった訳じゃない。

そういえばこの前ユニクロ行ったらさ、正月キャンペーンでお年玉が当たる!なんて書いてあるんだけど、よくあるその場でシールをはがすと当たりとかハズレとか書いてある奴。あれさ、当たんないって解っててやっても当たんないと腹立つよね。ちょっとはどこかで夢見ちゃってる訳だからさ。残念!ってのが三つぐらいそろうと、なんか後味が良くない。俺もユニクロ式お年玉を人にあげようかな。年の数だけくじをあげるん だけど、全部ハズレ。



Tool v.s. Gadget

Giant Swiss Army Knife

[lang_en]Tool v.s. Gadget[/lang_en] [lang_ja]道具とガジェットのデザイン[/lang_ja]


Many people use the words gadget and tool interchangeably.  And this pisses me off, as a big tool nerd. This has a lot to do with design, as tool design and gadget design is different and should be pretty easy to grasp.  Remember, every time you use either words incorrectly, god makes a tool that cooks kittens for the nazis...

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]




The importance here is the difference, not how they are defined.  How to define the two is up to you, but here is how I define the difference.

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]




Tools: Something Serious

Tools are optimized for some specific operation.  The tool is designed without any frivolous design or use of materials.






[lang_en]Pry Bar[/lang_en][lang_ja]釘抜き[/lang_ja]


My favorite design in tools is the pry bar. This has been shaped by function to the very last millimeter.  Pulling out a nail or prying open a wood joint- sounds so simple, but there are a lot of different situations-When the nail is nailed too deep into the wood, when the nail is crooked, when the nail has been cut off, etc.  This single tool used with a hammer is a can be used to handle all these different situations- and doing so is like a mini puzzle. Which end to use, and how hard to hit, etc.  You really cant understand this without having actually done it.






Gadgets: Something Fun

These are something that CAN be used as a certain tool, but is integrated into something else. Gadgets usually have functions added as bells and whistles or bells and whistles added to function.  As a easy general rule if it "can be used" for something else that the entire object isn't, its an added gimmick to something else.






[lang_en]A Phone in a Mouse[/lang_en] [lang_ja]A Phone in a Mouse[/lang_ja]


This is pretty much crap.  Sure, you would need a phone and a mouse on your work desk probably, but its useless for everyone.  For example, I can't look at porn while calling someone really boring.  There’s no relationship between the two functions so this "mouse that can also turn into a phone" is as useful as shit on a stick.






What about Multi-Tools and Swiss Army Knives?

So, here things start going up for debate. They are both contraptions that can be used for many things, but is not optimally designed for one operation.  I personally think multiplier tools such as Gerbers and Leathermans as tool while Swiss Army Knives are a gadget.






Swiss Army KnifeGerber Multiplier


Gerbers and Leathermans are designed for heavy use and has no frivolous or symbolic parts.  They are simply "bunch of tools bunched up into one without compromising too much usability". I feel the Gerbers are better designed as a tool, but more on that next time.

Swiss Army Knives, on the other hand, started out as a utilitarian tool.  I define it as a gadget because today it is perceived more as a accessory or a gift than something that is truly useful in accomplishing a task.  There is no tactical advantage to the polished red handle-although that butts into the criticism of a tool (see, this is why it's a little complicated).  I see it as a "key chain that also has a bunch of tools nested inside."







So the Tool is Better, right? Because it's all function and no extras?

Sometimes, its just kickass to have something that does something else.  Gadget and Gimmick gets a bad connotation, but the trivial and the extraenous are essential to connecting with human happiness. You might not need a hammer.  But you may find enjoyment in a robot that is designed to hit itself.







Happy New Year 2010!

[lang_en]Happy New Year![/lang_en] [lang_ja]開けましておめでとうございます![/lang_ja]

Happy New Year 2010!


Wow, its already 2010. Feels so weird. How are we supposed to call the 10s? the 00's are called by their centuries(1900's, 2000's), and the twenties are already the start of the decade-labeling(forties, eighties...) but 10's? what the hell is that? Is it just me or does it sound retarded?

Anyways,  thank you for the  continued support, and Happy New Years!

[/lang_en] [lang_ja]



Thank You, BPSinc!


[lang_en]Thank You, BPSinc![/lang_en][lang_ja]BPSincよ、 ありがとう![/lang_ja]


I met an old friend of mine in Yokohama over the holidays.  We haven't seen each other in years, and the first thing he told me was that I looked much older. Now, if I had long legs, getting older wouldn't sound as bad, but a older short Asian man is just that... a old, short Asian man.  Nothing cool about that.  I don't think anybody will talk to me by the time I start balding.



ひさしぶりに会った先輩から、いきなり「老けたね〜」と言われた。 これで俺も足が長かったら、渋くなっていく所なんだが、足が短いから単なるオッサンに一歩近づいちゃった訳だ。やだねえ。これでハゲ始めたりなんかしたらもう人が寄り付かなくなっちゃうよ。



Peter Kumagai, the aforementioned friend,  told me about 3 years ago that he started an IT company.  I didn't get much of it at that time.  In high school, he was taking college-level computer science courses, and he was top notch at analyzing and strategizing, so it wasn't really much of a surprise to me when he started his own operations so young.

We talked a little, and what he was doing turned out to be much more interesting than the normal IT stuff.  His company, BPSinc, is linking creators and designers to IT, to go beyond the normal and technical media design.  I transferred my hosting to his company,  and I was surprised by the level of care they took in order to make sure that the transition from one host to another was seamless. I honestly wasn't expecting it and was ready to start checking myself for any discrepancies.

I was previously signed up with a big box hosting, but it was almost hinging on scam.  It was advertised as unlimited and fastest, but the server was often down or slow as hell.  I would have use an online chat to troubleshoot, but I'm convinced that they are bots instead of actual agents, but I would still be put on hold.  Many others must be lined up to complain as well.

Now, whenever these troubles lasted a while, I would complain on the said chat about the server.  It would take the bot about 2 minutes to return to me and pretend like the problem dosen't exist, and urge me to check the site now.  And mysteriously, when I check, the website is zooming fast.  It must be that they are providing access to whoever complains, much like the telephone operator of the ye olde days.  Once the suspicion grew, and was proven after a couple of times, it was just really stressful being under their service.  Every time, the chat bot would introduce itself as some generic names like Jonathan and Sally, but the response is all exactly the same. They lost some of the database for the comments, and some articles dissappeared, and the system was completely useless.  It would have been more reliable to use any of the free blog site.




しかし、話してみると意外に面白く、デザインに関係する会社だったりする。今彼がやってる会社は、単なるIT会社ではなくて、デザイナーやクリエイターをIT とmedia design にリンクしてる会社らしい。今回は、自分のサイトのhostingをその先輩の会社のBPSincに頼んでみたんだが、サイトの移行の丁寧な所にびっくりした。細部までチェックしてくれて、サーバーを移転した瞬間シームレスなようにしてくれたんだ。こっちがその間インターネットの出来ない田舎に帰っちゃってアップデート出来なくなっちゃってこっちのほうで時間かかっちゃったんだけど。




My previous provider (Imagined)[/lang_en] [lang_ja]以前のホスト・プロバイダー(想像)[/lang_ja]"][lang_en]My previous provider (imagined)[/lang_en] [lang_ja]以前のホスト・プロバイダー(想像)[/lang_ja][lang_en]

Second of all, there is no such thing as unlimited and fastest.  The hosting provider cannot guarantee anything towards the cheaper customers, as they share a pool of bandwidth and memory.  The smaller hosts with smaller numbers, are actually more honest and reliable since at least you know the capacity you are paying for and is guaranteed.

Finally, I would like to thank Peter's BPSinc for taking so much care into being a reliable and upfront hosting provider.  And unlike normal IT companies, Peter also understands the situation of the creator and handles the technical aspects. Technical parts are now stress-free thanks to you.

Thank you, Masaki Watanabe and Hikoichiro Nakai of BPSinc!



そもそも、無制限最速のサイトなんて、ありっこないんだ。かなり大きな要領を、契約者の間でわけているんだから、個人の契約者に対してはなんの約束 をしてないのと同じ。だから、パフォーマンスがちょっと高くて、制限があるってのは、意外と高級なんだよね。それだけのパフォーマンスの約束があるんだか ら。




My current provider (Imagined)[/lang_en] [lang_ja]BPSのサービス(想像)[/lang_ja]"]bullettrain


New Site Face

[lang_en]Changes[/lang_en] [lang_ja]チェンジ![/lang_ja]

[lang_en]kentique.com is now harder, better, faster, stronger as promised. The interface is now revamped to accommodate a truly bilingual environment, while the simplicity of the original is sustained.[/lang_en] [lang_ja]kentique.com の改築終了!前回のシンプルなレイアウトをそのままに、完璧に二カ国語環境に対応出来るようにした。[/lang_ja]


Completely Re-tooled Structure

Now, I know things don't look all that different from the previous design. However, there was many basic inconveniences which crippled the blog, mainly the discontinuous bilingual environment. The site framework was re-tooled from the ground up, continuing what people liked previously and fixing what was clunky.[/lang_en]





Paperspace Interface

This blog was built with a somewhat unconventional concept; an interface as if it was printed on paper. Usually, web pages are loaded with information involving a lot of different colors, images and blocks of information. This site was relatively simple and straightforward enough that differentiation overload is really not necessary. This distills the reading experience down to the content of the information. I hope it provides a much better reading experience. (These hierarchies of tones and colors also accommodate color blindness as well)[/lang_en]



このサイトは、普通のサイトとちょっと違うコンセプトでデザインしてみたんだ。普通のウエブサイトって、情報を明確にしようとするためにいろんな色、イ メージやブロックで情報のしきりをしてる。結局、解りやすいどころかごちゃごちゃしちゃって汚くなっちゃってるところもあると思うんだ。こののサイトは そんな複雑じゃないから、そんなことをする必要がないんじゃないかって考えて作ってみた。こうやってプレゼンテーションを単純化すれば、情報を読み込むのがもっと楽になるかなと思って。(このトーンと色の違いは色盲でも把握出来る)[/lang_ja]


(By the way: This minimalistic design was inspired by the book After the Crash: Architecture in Post-Bubble Japan by Thomas Daniell, a great, casual and informative book concerning the contemporary Japanese architecture scene.  If anybody is interested in Japanese Architecture, I highly reccomend it.)

Like? Dislike?

Sound off your opinions in the comment boxes below!



(このレイアウトや字体は、トーマス=ダニエル著のAfter the Crash: Architecture in Post-Bubble Japan からの印象が強かった。近頃の日本の建築界の事を解りやすく、的確に書いてある。軽く読めるので、日本の建築に興味のある人はおすすめだよ。)




The Recession and the Creator

[lang_en]man about to commit suicide, from Getting Any?[/lang_en] [lang_ja]自殺しようとしてるオッサンに暗殺を依頼[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]The Recession and the Creator[/lang_en] [lang_ja]不景気ケーキ[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]This is a scene from "Beat" Takeshi’s ultimate B-class gag flick “Getting Any?”

The protagonist gets mistaken for a Yakuza, and is forced to assassin the enemy boss.  He finds a salaryman about to commit suicide, and asks him to deliver a cake with a hidden bomb for the enemy boss.  Not knowing the cake has a bomb, the salaryman pretends to deliver the cake and brings it back to his house.  In his house awaits his poor family, who gets excited and starts dancing around the cake.  And then the bomb goes off.[/lang_en]



[lang_all][lang_en]man about to commit suicide, from Getting Any?[/lang_en] [lang_ja]自殺しようとしてるオッサンに暗殺を依頼[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]Cake for the family[/lang_en] [lang_ja]ケーキを家族に[/lang_ja]

[lang_en]Cake Explodes[/lang_en] [lang_ja]ケーキが爆発[/lang_ja]



Between the Recession and the Creatives

The up-and-coming controversial creators are the hardest hit amongst the creative industry during  the recession.  While more established artists also experience difficulty during hard times, it is probably not as bad as the live-or-die survival of the up-and-coming.  Even in the architecture world, there aren’t that many jobs even for graduates.  Various offices are laying off people to keep in business. The most common are the foreign staffs who are unsure about their visas.  They are the first to go since their future reliability is unsure.

Naturally, many undergrad students resort to staying in school by continuing onto grad programs.  I think its a crap reason.  Graduate schools costs money anyways, and interests stack up from loans. And I think it’s too wishy-washy to think that this recession would be over in one or two years, although Obama will assume presidency in January. After two years, its only interest and loan that has stacked up.

Damien Hurst held his auction in September bypassing his agent and enjoyed record sales.  But in mere three months later, he is unable to sell his work for even half the estimated cost showing the effects of the recession hitting the creative class inevitably.  Thinking on a bigger scale, recessions are inevitable due to the fluctuating ups and downs of the economic cycle.  Even if evaded this round, recession is a sure thing to strike again sometime in the future. If that’s the case, isn’t the only way to try and tame the recession?

Opportunities during the Recession

During recessions, companies distill their employees and projects down to the bare essential.  Excessive fat is shed off; in which case, the products designed, the buildings built, are also distilled down to the core necessities.  Although harsh and dangerous, isn’t this some kind of a good opportunity? Even if one fails, today’s economy enables people to survive doing non-design, menial labor.  Surviving this kind of a extreme situation can result in hefty gains later.

You can’t run from recession. If you think you can get a free cake by staying out of it somehow, it might end up exploding in your face.[/lang_en][lang_ja]






